- mycinamicin IV
- vineomycinone B2
- aquayamycin
- avenaciolide
- fraquinocins
- galtamycinone
- gilvocarcins
- C104 antibiotic
- eicosanoid
- methylerysodienone
- procyanidins
- lotthanongine
- malyngolide
- seragakinone A
- BE-43472B
- saptomycin B
- cavicularin
- cinnamtannin B1
Total Synthesis of Mycinamicin IV

Total Synthesis of Vineomycinone B2

Total Synthesis of Aquayamycin

Total Synthesis of Avenaciolide

Total Syntheses of Fraquinocins

Total Synthesis of Galtamycinone

Total Syntheses of Gilvocarcins

Total Synthesis of C104 antibiotic

Total Synthesis of a Marine Eicosanoid

Total Synthesis of Methylerysodienone

Total Synthesis of Procyanidin

Total Synthesis of Lotthanongine

Total Synthesis of Malyngolide

Total Synthesis of Seragakinone A

[212] A. Takada, Y. Hashimoto, K. Hikita, H. Takikawa, and K. Suzuki. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 2297.
Total Synthesis of BE-43472B

[232] Y. Yamashita, Y. Hirano, A. Takada, H. Takikawa, K. Suzuki. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 6658.
Total Synthesis of Saptomycin B

Total Synthesis of Cavicularin

[233] H. Takiguchi, K. Ohmori, K. Suzuki, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 10472.
Total Synthesis of Cinnamtannin B1

[237] Y. Ito, K. Ohmori, K. Suzuki, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 10129.